
*We only accept clients with a referral letter from their treating practitioner, that outlines your referral question and concern. Clients without referral letters will not be accepted

What we offer

Our services include diagnosis of neuropsychological conditions (such as dementia, concussion), including neurodevelopmental conditions as they present in adulthood (such as ADHD, autism spectrum disorder). Characterisation of cognitive and behavioural strengths and weaknesses in individuals with geriatric, neurological, neurosurgical and/or psychiatric conditions are also offered. Interventions are available to assist individuals and/or their families with cognitive and/or behavioural difficulties. We do not offer paediatric neuropsychological services at present.

Please note that our waiting list for new neurodevelopmental referrals (eg ADHD, ASD, learning disorders) is at least 15-18 months long.

Appointments may be offered in a face-to-face format or via telehealth.

There is then a FAQ section for Clinical Neuropsychology with copy under each arrow, as shown below.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Clinical Neuropsychologist?

Clinical Neuropsychologists are Psychologists who specialise in the study of the relationship between brain function, thinking and behaviour. People may be referred to a Clinical Neuropsychologist for assessment, rehabilitation, ongoing management, education and/or counselling.

The University of Melbourne Psychology Clinic is a post-graduate training facility predominantly staffed by probationary psychologists who are completing their Master’s in Clinical Neuropsychology. They are supervised by experienced Clinical Neuropsychologists.

What is a neuropsychological assessment?

This involves investigating thinking skills, behaviour and emotions through interview, questionnaires, and the completion of paper-and-pencil tasks. Depending on your concerns the assessment may include assessment of the following: memory and attention, language, planning and organisation, and academic skills. The assessment can provide important information that may assist with diagnosis, treatment, provision of services and supports, rehabilitation and monitoring of progress. Please complete the following online form if you would like to see a Clinical Neuropsychologist at the clinic.

Before the first appointment

Self-referral is welcome but must be accompanied by a referral letter from your general practitioner or other health care provider. This should be faxed (03 8344 2743) or emailed ( to the clinic. Once this has been received, the neuropsychology service will contact you to arrange your first appointment.

Please also send any additional reports/information from external health care providers (eg past psychologist reports, school reports, medical investigations) that you think would be of value before your first appointment. If you are not able to provide soft copies of these documents via fax or email, please bring hard copies to your appointment.

What can you expect from your appointment?
  • You will have the assessment in a private room.
  • Your assessment may be observed by other neuropsychology trainees, or the neuropsychology clinical supervisor.
  • You will be asked about your concerns and your background. If a family member or friend has accompanied you, they may attend this part of the interview with your permission.
  • We will obtain your consent to get information from other health professionals or people who know you well if required.
  • The assessment will involve a wide range of tasks, such as pen and paper tasks, and puzzles. Some are easy and some are more complex.
  • We will organise a separate feedback session to discuss the results and recommendations once you have completed the assessment.
How long does an assessment take?

The assessment may take 3-4 hours. If we can complete the assessment in one day (with breaks) we will do so. However, it may be necessary to book more than one session, and we will discuss this with you.

How to prepare and what to bring?
  • If you take medications, please take them as usual the morning of assessment.
  • Please eat breakfast and get a good night’s sleep if you can.
  • Bring your glasses and hearing aids if you need them.
  • While there are a range of places to buy lunch, you may prefer to bring your own.
  • Previous reports and investigation results.
  • Details of medications you are taking.
What happens with the information?

After the assessment a report is written, which includes recommendations. The report is sent to your referring doctor or health care provider. Detailed feedback will also be provided to you. We do not release information without your consent.

What does it cost?

The total cost of an assessment is $450 for a standard consultation, $650 for a complex consultation, or $800 for an autism spectrum disorder consultation. All consultations include the assessment session(s), a feedback session and the final report sent to your GP or specialist. The complex consultation fee also includes any additional letters of support as required. If additional letters of support are required following standard or ASD consultations, the cost for this service (including any further assessment required) is $200. Further consultation with the neuropsychology service is offered at a rate of $60 per hour. The fee for your consultation will be determined upon receipt of your referral (which must include a referral letter from your doctor or other health care provider) and will be communicated to you at the time of booking. Slightly reduced fees are charged if you hold a Health Care Card or are on a pension.

As there is a reduced rate for Health Care Card holders and pensions, please make sure you bring any relevant concession cards along with you on the day.

You can pay the consultation fee in one or two instalments. Please note that the report is not released until the full payment has been made.

Is there disability access and/or toilets?

Yes. There is a disabled parking space outside the building and freely available metered street parking. Disabled toilets are available via the health service on the Ground Floor of the building.

Contact Us

University of Melbourne
Psychology Clinic

Level 2, 138-146 Cardigan Street,
Carlton, VIC 3053
Phone: 03 9035 5180
Fax: 03 8344 2743

Opening hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
9.00 am to 5.00 pm
Closed public holidays

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